Proletarians of all countries, Unite!
Central Committee
[Prepared for the Internet by the Magazine Red Sun]
POLITICAL FUNDAMENTALS. THE INTERNATIONAL SITUATION Imperialism is a giant with feet of clay which will inevitably sink. Thus, Yankee imperialism acting as the international gendarme is a paper tiger which aims to prolong its death agony by raising rotten and antique banners like "NEO-LIBERALISM", "HUMAN RIGHTS", "BOURGEOIS DEMOCRACY", the peace of bayonets and eclectic and idealist pragmatism; because it doesnt have, nor will it have, anything new to offer. Just paper tigers which try to lull and intimidate the masses by applying double politics: The politics of "HUMAN RIGHTS". This politics which they are unfurling today are the rights of imperialism, the bourgeoisie and world reaction. The feeble and false peace which they agitate seeks to lull the conscience of the masses to impose, no matter the course, their hegemony as primary world superpower. The peace they offer is the peace of bayonets, of the cemetery, of slavery; Yankee imperialism is the biggest arms vendor in the world, it is a paper tiger which shows its arrogance and that it is a blackmailer; constantly brandishing its reactionary and failed theory that weapons decide everything. The economic, commercial and financial crises which constantly rock the imperialist system clearly confirm Marx and Engels thesis, one hundred and fifty years after the appearance of the Communist Manifesto. They tried to hide its content for a new repartition of the world. The so-called "war on drugs" is another imperialist double politics and a pretext to apply on a world scale their counter-revolutionary strategy of "Low Intensity Warfare" and to suffocate the revolution, principally in the Third World countries. Furthermore, it is an instrument to subjugate the oppressed nations. Barry McCaffrey is not a "victorious general", rather an invader who was defeated and thrown out of Vietnam. This is how they carry out their counter-revolutionary offensive, seeking to sweep away everything revolution implies; but revolution is and will be the principal historical and political tendency. The principal thing today is to struggle to make Maoism the command and guide of the World Proletarian Revolution, generating militarized Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Communist Parties which will pass over to apply Peoples War across the globe. These are the prerequisites for the revolution to advance and triumph.
THE NATIONAL POLITICAL SITUATION Bureaucratic capitalism is within its law of evolution; the old state has only achieved transitory and partial improvements to the sole benefit of a handful of native and foreign exploiters. The general crisis which eats away at them has only soothe and its critical essence was not resolved, because it is impossible for them to overcome. In order to benefit that handful of bloodsuckers they have had to get down on their knees before principally Yankee imperialism and sink the entire Peruvian people into more misery. The government of Fujimori and Hermosa Ríos is the most blatantly pro-imperialist to date, the most genocidal and country-selling; inflation is contained and "made over" to present successes. Concerning the "recession", economic reactivation has been minimal, unemployment grows daily, wages and salaries keep dropping, taxes and public tariffs are sky-high, and poverty has increased. Facing this the government distributes its crumbs, and unfolds its demagogic civic action programs. Poverty has not been reduced at all. Keep in mind that we are in the second half of the decade and the aggravating of the crisis of bureaucratic capitalism is foreseeable. There are various bourgeois elements which are saying "this year and the next will be difficult ones", "we are facing the problem of repercussions from the Asian crisis", "the foreign debt payments", "the fall in the price of metals", "the El Niño phenomenon"; they tell the people "sacrifice for a better tomorrow", but it has already been seven years and the better tomorrow never arrived, nor will it ever arrive under this system, this landlord-bureaucratic state. Thus this government is unfolding its massive sterilization plan, implying a greater genocide, promoted by Yankee imperialism through the Agency for Inter-American Development (AID). All this demagogic and electoral traffic which the puppet Fujimori makes with the problems of the masses should be condemned. With the "El Niño phenomenon" he tried to show-off with some measures in the north, but . It is the responsibility of this government for not having taken appropriate measures, since they knew that the situation would be grave. Concerning the restructuring of the state they have not been able to advance the way they wanted to since April 5, 92. Under the protection of Yankee imperialism with a long-range plan, they proceeded to unfold a fascist dictatorship within the process of absolute centralization in order to better apply "low intensity warfare". This is a fascist dictatorship with a "democratic" mask, it is fascist for the cunning negation of parliament: on one side it discredits and undermines parliament, on the other it uses parliament as a sewer to flush out the laws that it needs, although the most important laws are decreed by the executive. It is fascist for the negation of the entire demo-liberal judicial order, trampling on its constitution and all the laws whenever it feels like it to the point that some members of reaction itself, or at least the faction in opposition, have said that "we live in a permanent coup detat", "there is no state of rights", etc. A fascist reorganization of the judicial power is being made, carried forward by a shadowy Marine who was security for Velasco. It is not a coincidence that other henchmen of Velascos fascist regime are in the shade of the current government. The manipulated and fraudulent elections are instruments to perpetuate the government, and the so-called "opposition" is the chorus which helps to "legitimize" this monstrosity of "direct democracy". We see corporativism organized as a militarized corporativization and linked to "low intensity warfare" waged with fire and sword, under the aegis of bayonets and genocide, pressuring and hurling the masses by way of the so-called "self-defense committees", peasant and rural rondas; a corporativism which is propelled by the Presidential Ministry through COFOPRI, FONCODES, INADE, development committees, etc. Regarding their ideological base, it is crude pragmatism and a bastardized eclecticism, they systematically apply "the big lie" (Hitler). It is a fascism which is principally propelled by the genocidal, country-selling and fascist armed forces, these armed forces which constitute the spinal column of the old state; today they are acting like a militarized political party, complemented by the SIN, the mesnadas, and peasant rondas, armed forces which are run by a clique headed by Hermoza Ríos and Montesinos, a vulgar CIA agent (American Central Intelligence Agency) who had been expelled from the reactionary army for treason to the fatherland. It is these fascist armed forces which are carrying forward their puppets reelection campaign. On the question of the border with Ecuador, both governments and their armed forces are using the problem to steady their power, calling upon "national unity" to silence questions about their sinister plans. We alert the entire people that the genocidal, country-selling and fascist dictatorship, in its eagerness and under pressure from imperialism, is once again plotting to give away part of our motherlands territory. Concerning "re-population", first they devastated the countryside applying the three alls "steal all, burn all and kill all", along with genocide to form mesnadas and "strategic hamlets", aiming to separate the guerrillas from the masses; now within the low intensity warfare they are applying a militarized and fascist repopulation with mesnadas at the head to control the masses. On this so-called defender of the people, this "defendor" is a knife aimed at the people and is an agent of the fascist dictatorship; unmask it along with its accomplice Lansier, a foreign priest who is an agent of imperialism. Then there are the pardons to release from prison those who should never have been arrested; when they do this its to try to whitewash their own genocidal entrails, meanwhile they gave amnesty to sinister military men. These military torturers and butchers, they dream and will continue to dream of annihilating the Peoples War; but despite its difficulties and setbacks it is being maintained and it advances, breaking the black counterinsurgency campaigns and operations, combating the so-called low intensity warfare and destroying the hoaxes of "strategic defeats". The democratic path, the revolutionary situation in reactivation generates the increase in the rejection and opposition of the fascist regime; the Peoples War is the path of the people for their emancipation and conquest of a new society, the Peoples Republic of New Democracy (RPND). There are dispute about the masses, the reactionaries cackle about their defeat but had to swallow their words. Regarding the so-called "Operation Ares", they said the Peoples War was reaching its end, but the operation failed, just like so many others failed, "Tauro", "Caminate", "Cazador", "Rastrillo Uno", "Rastrillo Dos", "Rastrillo Tres", "Rastrillo Quatro", "Ene Uno", "Ene Dos", "Ene Tres", "Ene Quatro", "Ene Cinco", "Huracan", "Razhuillca", "Vizcatan Uno", "Vizcatan Dos", "Kuruinze", "Exterminador", "Cojo Uno", "Cojo Dos", etc., etc. all broken by the Peoples War. And although the path is difficult and filled with twists and turns, we will triumph because we have the superior ideology, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Gonzalo Thought, a Communist Party which leads us, and Peoples Committees and Support Bases which are being heroically maintained and are advanced trenches of combat of the New State which is flourishing in our country. Today the Peoples War is clearly serving the overcoming of the bend in the road and its brilliant perspectives, drawing lessons from past errors. What must be done is to further develop the conquest of power countrywide.
II. REMAINDER OF THE APPLICATION OF THE PLAN: OVERCOME THE BEND IN THE ROAD, DEVELOPING THE PEOPLES WAR The Plan "Overcome the Bend in the Road, Developing the Peoples War" successfully completed the objectives it laid out. We have begun to emerge from the bend in the road. The masses are gradually returning to activity. Some spokesmen for the reactionaries say "reappearance", "they have reorganized", "they have expanded their area of operations", and "they have come out of their retreat". Emphasize that the low intensity warfare which the enemy has applied has been systematically combated, their operations and counter-subversive campaigns have been successively and simultaneously defeated. The advance has been in the midst of a hard and tenacious struggle, our center is to combat; the Peoples Committees and Support Bases have been defended with fire and sword. The great closing was successful and powerful; extract positive and negative lessons. Raise the selective annihilation and large-scale sabotage and propel the work in the cities.
IN CONSTRUCTION The Party fulfills its role, it is partially advancing............. purge .................revisionism is combated as the main danger. The Peoples Liberation Army is the spinal column of the New Front and New State. We have advanced in developing the politics of the Front and have corrected various errors we have committed in the past, in the disintegration of the mesnadas, in the selection of targets, avoiding excesses, and advances in the new economy.
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